Because of the perfect slick and crisp feel of the cards, Aviator has an extremely high position in players' hearts. The Aviator Cards has been famous for providing great playing cards to loyal card players since its inception. We can mark them perfectly with our special invisible ink. You can see the marks on the back of the cards clearly when you wear our contact lenses.
Aviator Marked Playing Cards Description
Aviator Playing Cards' Features.
1, Plastic coated paper material-Jumbo Index-Wide Size (2½ x 3½).
2, 52 Cards+2 Jokers+1 Guarantee Card (This card protects from manufacturing defects that are found before "extensive use" occurs.)
There are two ways to mark the Aviator Playing Cards:
Blue cards: Marked with a big font in the middle of the playing cards.
Red cards: Marked with a big font in the middle or small fonts in 4 corners.
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